Principles and Practices

Final Project Ideas

Painting: Philosopher Lecturing on the Orrery by Joseph Wright

Final Project

Since young my father introduced me to astronomy and grew wondering how we could understand big concepts like space and time. I was always in awe, stargazing disbelieving that we're in this beautiful universe and made out of the same matter as explosive stars and black holes. In my final project I want to honour this feeling of awe. I have seen multiple people making cool stuff in the field of astronomy using the maker tools. For Example the AstroTracker project. It's an Open-source DIY star tracker which can be build from simple, and 3D printed parts.But the take is that it uses GPS module to perfect the tracking and advanced calculation and It may be so complex for me to re-make something this cool. But! I still have multiple cool ideas up my sleeve so let me list them

1st: Orrery-inspired clock

So the idea is a simple smart replica of the orrery. for those of you who haven't heard before. It's an ancient device used to simulate preciesly the motion and location of astronomical objects in the sky.


  1. The Interface encoder knob, LCD, which will control the date
  2. The encoder to the date from menu
  3. Once a date selected the motors carrying the earth & sun will move using a some kind of lazy suzan mechanism.
  4. The Earth or the Sun will rotate around each other mimicing thier movement on the same day
  5. Sketch


    2nd: Auto-Guided Telescope 🔭

    Well, I just can give up on the poetic idea of chasing the stars! what can I say. Like the name suggests I want to make something that can be controlled via a software called stellarium. It's a Stellarium is a free open source planetarium app that provides a realistic 3D view of the night sky. I can point at a star or a constellations, planets, nebulae and other celestial objects with mild ease. Or I can mount a camera and make the motors move with a precise and slow angles to capture a beautiful star trails Inspired by the multiple projects like

